jaw surgery

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Restore Functionality

At Signature Dentistry, Dr Kasen and his team want every patient to smile and function with the utmost confidence.

If the appearance of your smile and teeth are making you self-conscious you may benefit from a full mouth reconstruction.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Kasen Somana is an expert cosmetic surgeon in Melbourne

Full mouth reconstructions also known as bite reconstruction is an area of special interest for Dr Kasen.

So much so that his Master’s degree dissertation was focused on this very topic.

A full mouth reconstruction addresses and resolves various cosmetic and functional concerns.

This includes tooth decay, trauma, jaw misalignment, chipped teeth, fractured or worn teeth.

It provides a dramatic improvement and transformation of the appearance of your smile.

At Signature Dentistry, we custom tailor our approach to full mouth reconstructions to suit the unique needs of each of our patients.

A successful full mouth reconstruction requires the elements of fine artistry, technical skill and vision.

We spend a considerable time with you working out the best solution for you and discuss all your options in order to achieve the ideal treatment and smile for you.

bite reconstruction melbourne

What Can a Full Mouth Reconstruction Achieve?

Generally, a dental treatment that affects all of your teeth is considered a full mouth reconstruction.

A full mouth reconstruction can rectify the following issues:

  • Tooth decay of varying degrees
  • Trauma
  • Fractured or severely worn teeth
  • Improve smile aesthetics
  • Improve chewing function and efficiency
  • And much more

This procedure has the potential to drastically change the appearance of not only your teeth but also your facial appearance for the better.

You no longer have to feel embarrassed when it comes to smiling.

At Signature Dentistry we assist not only the celebrity clientele but also the greater Toorak and Melbourne community alike.

We offer a full range of dental services and advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Full mouth reconstruction is a complex procedure that is not suitable for everyone. It can take several months to accomplish.

Due to the complexity and duration of this procedure, we highly recommend that you consult with Dr Kasen.

Before conducting a full mouth reconstruction, Dr Kasen will make sure that you are a good candidate and work out a custom treatment plan for you.

Your Consultation with Dr Kasen Somana

Our practice is known for meeting the dental needs of A-list celebrity clientele and highly functioning business women and men.

We offer our services to everyone and treat everyone as equal.

From Veneers Melbourne to Melbourne Dental implants, to Porcelain Crowns to Teeth Whitening, we are well-respected in the Melbourne dental community for providing superior cosmetic dentistry services that are gentle and second to none.

We would be happy to explain more about the full mouth reconstruction procedure and its long-lasting effects during a consultation at our office.

If you think you could benefit from a full mouth reconstruction and want a beautiful result, please book your appointment online, Dr Kasen will be happy to schedule a consultation with you and discuss your options.